Hunter Horseboxes

Horseboxes for hire: 5 Reasons I wouldn’t hire

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In the world of equine transportation, horseboxes have become an essential asset for horse owners and enthusiasts. They provide a safe and convenient means of transporting horses to various destinations. While hiring a horsebox may seem like a tempting option for many, it’s crucial to consider the potential drawbacks before making a decision. In this blog post, we delve into the topic of horseboxes for hire and explore five compelling reasons why I wouldn’t choose this option. From the cost implications and limited availability to concerns about reliability and the well-being of our beloved horses, let’s uncover the aspects that make hiring a horsebox a less favourable choice. By the end, you’ll gain valuable insights into the downsides of relying on hired horseboxes and understand why owning one might be a more prudent investment. So, let’s saddle up and explore these reasons in detail, ensuring you make an informed choice when it comes to transporting your equine companions.

What is a horsebox?

A horsebox, also known as a horse trailer or horse van, is a specialised vehicle designed for transporting horses safely and comfortably. It serves as a mobile stable, providing a secure and controlled environment during transportation. Horseboxes come in various sizes and configurations, ranging from small trailers that can accommodate one or two horses to larger, multi-horse vans. They feature sturdy construction, with reinforced floors and walls, as well as ventilation systems to ensure proper airflow. Horseboxes typically have partitions to separate individual horses, ensuring their safety and minimising the risk of injury during transit. Additionally, they are equipped with features such as ramps or hydraulic lifts to facilitate loading and unloading of the horses. Horse owners and equestrian enthusiasts often invest in horseboxes to conveniently transport their horses for various purposes, including competitions, trail rides, and veterinary visits.

Cost and Maintenance

Hiring a horsebox can be an expensive endeavour. The rental fees can quickly add up, especially if you need the horsebox for an extended period. Moreover, you may be responsible for additional costs such as fuel, insurance, and any damages that may occur during your rental period. Owning your own horsebox may be a more cost-effective option in the long run.


Limited Availability and Flexibility: When you hire a horsebox, you are subject to its availability. This can be problematic if you have a last-minute need or require the horsebox during peak times when demand is high. Additionally, you may be limited in terms of customisation and features available in the rented horsebox, which may not meet your specific requirements.

Reliability and Condition: Relying on a rented horsebox means placing your trust in the rental company’s maintenance practices. There’s a possibility that the horsebox you hire may not be well-maintained or in optimal condition. This can lead to potential safety risks for both you and your horses during transportation. When you own a horsebox, you have control over its maintenance and can ensure it is always in good working order.

Familiarity and Comfort for Horses: Horses are sensitive animals that can become stressed by unfamiliar environments. Hiring a different horsebox each time can lead to additional stress and discomfort for your horses. They may take longer to settle into a new space, impacting their well-being and performance during transportation. Owning a horsebox allows your horses to become familiar with the vehicle, reducing stress levels and ensuring their comfort.

Inconvenience and Scheduling: Renting a horsebox means adhering to the rental company’s schedule and availability. This can be inconvenient, especially if you need the horsebox at odd hours or have unexpected changes in your plans. It may also require additional coordination efforts, such as picking up and returning the horsebox within specific timeframes. Owning a horsebox provides you with the convenience and flexibility to transport your horses according to your own schedule and needs.


After exploring the various reasons why hiring a horsebox may not be the most favourable option, it becomes evident that owning your own horsebox offers several advantages. The costs associated with hiring a horsebox can quickly accumulate, making ownership a more cost-effective long-term investment. Additionally, the limited availability and lack of flexibility when relying on rented horseboxes can pose challenges, especially during peak times or last-minute needs. The reliability and condition of a rented horsebox are dependent on the rental company, potentially leading to safety risks for both you and your horses. Moreover, the unfamiliarity of different horseboxes can cause stress and discomfort for your equine companions during transportation. Lastly, the inconvenience of adhering to rental schedules and coordination efforts can be eliminated by owning your own horsebox, providing you with convenience and flexibility. Ultimately, by carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific requirements, ensuring the comfort, safety, and well-being of your horses during their transportation journeys.

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